Hosting your wordpress blog with clickbooq

Your first wordpress blog

Ready to jump on the blog bandwagon? clickbooq makes it oh-so-easy for you to add a blog to your clickbooq website. We’ll setup and install WordPress for you in the folder name of your choice (for example, Since the blog resides on your domain name, it’s a great way to drive search engine traffic back to your clickbooq website and helps with your search engine rankings.

To submit a request for a blog, click here.

Been a long-time blogger? Migrate your old WordPress blog to your new clickbooq-hosted blog. For step-by-step instructions on migrating an existing blog, see the knowledge base article in clickbooq’s support area: Migrate your wordpress blog

Just what is WordPress and what can you do with it? WordPress is an open source, easy-to-use Blog software that comes packed with features. It’s also the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, allowing you to tap into a large and active community of users and support resources. You can find free downloadable WordPress themes online or customize the look of your blog yourself to match your clickbooq website.

Some useful WordPress links:

Blogs can be a natural extension of your website, where you can upload select images from your latest photoshoots and keep your clients and friends up-to-date on what you’ve been working on or where you’ve been traveling to. Blogs are also a great marketing tool and help with word-of-mouth referrals. Wedding photographers often use blogs to post teaser images from recent weddings which inevitably get sent from brides to family and friends. And while you’ll still want to edit your images down to a select few, blogs give you a little more freedom to post quirky or artistic shots you might not have included on your portfolio website.

We’re looking forward to reading your new photography blogs! Send us a link to your blog and we’ll check it out, plus if you add clickbooq’s blog to your blogroll, we’ll link to your blog, too!